Friday, April 15, 2016

I am not your average mommy! I don't schedule play dates.  Don't get me wrong I love for my kids to play but I am the kinda person that does not mind if you just show up!  If we are home and not heading out the door great! The kids can have at it and play their hearts out and stay for lunch or dinner. I just can't seem to wrap my head around a scheduled "play date" to me that is school recess.  Perhaps it's because being a mommy of a 3 year old at the age of 41 was not in my plan and  I am a mess 24/7!! Yoga pants and buns are my favorite friends!  Trying really hard to live each day to the fullest and not completely mess up the four blessings God has bestowed upon us to love and protect!
You may call it an #epicmomfail but I don't care! I have a ton of things to get done and if entertaining my three year old with her tablet while having breakfast can get me through two of those things then so be it! I rock and in my world that revolves around my kids and hubby 24/7 I rock!

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Ugh! that simple phrase says it all for me!  Ugh!!  is the way that feel when I am away from home.  when I am away from my kids and husband.  Those four are what make me, "me".  I have to admit that making the descion to work full time and raise a family was not my wisest choice!  Especially now that my children are growing up.  Nonetheless, it was a decsion we made for their sake and until we hit the lottery, I will continue to make every effort to attend every school fucntion, every practice, game, recital etc..  even though not being there to pick them up from school and talk about there day leaves a void in my everyday.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Day at a Time

An Ordinary Day

My morning started off like any other morning, dragging myself out of bed.  As hard as I try to be up before the kids, I fail at it day after day.  My 9 year old son is the first out of bed, like clock work every morning, followed by my 6 year old and now thankfully, I have to wake my 11 year old.  The rules of the house are no one is allowed downstairs until fully dressed, teeth brushed and ready to go!  Well, so much for those rules because every morning when I finally make it downstairs I find myself sending each one of them back up to either brush their teeth, and/or add on a missing item of clothing.  LOL!! Somethings I am sure will never change and I am OK with that!

My family my rock!

Funny, my husband once told me, "you can't choose your family"  I never really gave that much thought until recently.  I laugh because I know it is true.  However, I don't think I would want to change mine.  My Family is my Rock! I am one of four children and I love my brother and sisters to death!  I at times wonder if we all get along so well because we have a big age gap between us or because our parents did something right LOL!  I know it's because my parents did something right :)   Don't get me wrong, we have our moments but at the end of the day we respect and love each other which is why, I see HOPE for my three children.  My three children bicker all day, whine and complain about each other but every now and then they do something nice for each other and I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I think Erick and I are doing a pretty decent job as parents.  All I can hope for is not screwing them up too badly.  I know they love each other and it may be years before they learn to appreciate one another but my gosh I wish it were sooner than later.  

I ran across this quote that seemed fitting, "I smile because we are sisters, I laugh because you cant change it" author unknown.  

so true!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Orr What

As Catherine said it, "Orr What" ~ this will be the name of our new boat!  Erick's only toy! LOL with the exception of all the tools he has in the garage.  This is a toy we will all enjoy